When you think about buying an all original used car, you think there will some things that you will have to replace and/or repair. I found this car on the Internet for sale with only 34,500 miles on it. The car was owned and driven by a man in Texas. It is like a new car, under the hood, on the interior, under the car and the exterior. The mechanical parts all work like new and the car handles the same way. I bought it and now enjoy driving it. The only thing that is lacking in the car is that the engine doesn’t have the get up and go. There isn’t the power to climb hills at road speed without having to drop down into passing gear. But it drives well on the Interstate roads.
I took it on a 4,450 mile trip to the southeast and southwest this summer for vacation with my grandsons and to go on an AACA Tour in Texas. We didn’t have trouble at all and the car averaged 18.5 MPH for the whole trip. The A/C worked well in the summer 90 degree heat.
This is a car that you can ride in all day long comfortably and not feel cramped. It is a long and wide car and ride like you are on a cloud. It is a great weekend driver.